Tuesday 28 April 2009

How to make it in the music biz...Part 2!


My name is Gavin Thorpe and I am one of the co-owners of Westside Music Centres.

I have a lot of experience in the music industry from being signed to a major record/publishing company to playing live in front of thousands of people. I regularly get asked "How do you get a record deal?" or "How do you get noticed?" So...here is the second of a series of tips and suggestions on how to get further along the road less travelled! Part Two: Finding a band!

So...You have learnt a load of cover songs and you are fed up of your parents moaning that you are too noisy. Now is the time to start a band.

I went to my local guitar shop and put an add up looking for fellow rock gods. I auditioned with loads of bands. Went to loads of open mic nights searching for the next bono and the next jon bonham. I suggest you play with everybody. With my Fender Stratocaster in one hand and my Fender Blues Junior in the other I went to my first jam with my new comrades within weeks of putting an advert up. The first band I was in was a strange combination of personalities but it worked. Mainly because we all wanted the same thing. We wanted to be in a band and play music night and day. It is the best feeling in the world when it all clicks into place.

Once you have a load of gigs under your belt and girls just wont leave you alone, then you are ready to do your first demo.

Next month�Part Three: No such thing as a demo!


How to make it in the music biz...Part 2! http://ping.fm/OZlA5

Gavs new Baby!!! Well Baby Guitar. Check this Out

<p>I can never take a guitar on holiday with me because it wont fit in my case and it wont fit as hand luggage. Well, those clever guys at <a title="Tanglewood Guitars" href="<a href="http://ping.fm/06UMq">Tanglewood</a>">http://ping.fm/06UMq">Tanglewood</a></a> have come up with there own version of the Taylor Baby. A fun, high quality travel guitar and its called the <a title="See the TB Baby" href="<a href="http://ping.fm/GsnGp">TB">http://ping.fm/GsnGp">TB</a> Baby</a>. And as I am off on holiday for a few weeks, I have decided to take one with me to see how well it travels.
<p> Big question is..."will it be a cry baby or happy baby?'
<p> I'll let you know in a few weeks what i thought. In the meantime check it out here - <a title="Check out the TB Baby" href="<a href="http://ping.fm/1BHRM">">http://ping.fm/1BHRM"></a> <a href="http://ping.fm/v2Ewl</a>
Check out Gavins new baby here http://ping.fm/wh9w0

Friday 24 April 2009

Dean Electric Guitars arriving soon at www.wmcmusic.co.uk http://ping.fm/HVQwP

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Fender "Eric Clapton" Artist Model Stratocaster - Torino Red - Now in stock http://ping.fm/RyVLA

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Check out the latest on our extra special electric drum kit under £340 http://ping.fm/O089G

Medeli DD501 A Bargain Electric Drumkit - More News!!

Medeli DD 501 Newsflash!!

We have just heard some more news about the new kit from Medeli due to arrive in May 2009. �The snare is a dual zone snare making the kit more realistic. �We have learned also that the wires will tuck inside of the alloy frame allowing you to keep the kit free from tangles and messy wires.�

The 501 is growing in popularity. �They are selling in-store without ever being seen and we are taking back orders more often. �If you would like to be amongst the first to get your hands on one of these kits click here and pre-order yours.�


In case you missed our previous blog on this item we have included it below.�

With the prices of everything creeping up and up it is so refreshing to see that somebody is looking to make a difference and put some money back into the pockets of the consumer.

Welcome Medeli. Their proven track record in making quality affordable instruments has attracted the attention of one of our UK distributors.� From May 2009 the DD501 will be available to drummers new and old.

With and RRP of £419 this fantastic kit is still a bargain. But Wait!!� You can buy one online from wmcmusic.co.uk� for just £339 including free delivery on all pre-orders.

With the latest chip module, 10 preset kits, 5 user kits this kit is simplicity in a box.

Coupled with the 40 preset patterns, 1 user pattern and 108 voices you will have every sound you desire at your fingertips.

With an output for an Amplifier or headphones you have the choice of who hears your performance.

This kit even has a USB port.


Fender FSR Limited Edition Texas Red Blues Junior Now In Stock http://ping.fm/GWSEv